Hey guys! 
          	I've created a second account on here (@xXRazorRoseXx) which is basically just My Chem trash, so if you guys are interested, you should go check it out! 
          	Also, I've got one of my friends here who just published his new story (ayye i'm part of it) so if you guys want to go see that, his username is @neonpunk240000 !


          Thanks so much for 300 followers! I love you guys! <3 
          I have a very special project with my good friend @TheFantasyQueen30 coming up very soon... I'm sure you guys will love it! Check her out if you can! She works really hard on her books, and is an amazing person!
          Thanks again, you guys are awesome!
          <3 ily!


@M_IS_FOR_MIKA Congrats on the followers, you earn them, and thank for the shout out! Can't wait that our new project is out!


Hello! You sound like a very interesting person and I would love to chat! 


@xxKaty_Panini_1Dxx and sorry for the late reply, I was watching Dan And Phil on thesuperamazingproject


            I would love to chat as well. :)  It's nice to meet new people! :)


Hey fellow Mika Freaks and Phans (since Phans have started following me I thought I would include them)!
          I noticed I'm nearing 200 followers! Say whaaattt?! 
          I'm going to updating all my books on the day I hit 200, and will be doing another Q and A on my book "Embarassing Mika Freak Moments" with questions either provided by you guys if you have any, or a couple of my friends from school that have joined Wattpad earlier this year. ;) 
          Thanks everyone for all your support, love you all :)
          PS: did you hear Mika is filming a music video for Hurts?! IM FREAKING OUT. <3