
Hi :) I need help coming up with ideas for a one-shot book so if you have any ideas please let me know 


Ok I need to rant to someone  about this so I'm gonna wright this here. I was doing some research on the story of Apollo and Hyacinth 'cause why not and I'm pissed off. you know how when you google a question there are drop down boxes of related questions? Yeah, well one of the drop down box questions was "Who turned Hyacinthus into a flower?" and the answer it gave was "Devastated by his friend's death, Apollo refused to let Hades, the god of the underworld, claim Hyacinthus. Instead, he transformed his fallen friend into a flower— a hyacinth, marking the earth with his beauty" FRIEND!!! FRIEND!!!!! THEY ARE LOVERS!!!!!!! NOT FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!


I just got back from an overnight camp yesterday it was amazing :) one of the camp counselors was named Nico and looked like Will Solace, he also read the full Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series and is rereading them :D (I'm not sure if he's read toa yet)


@M_Star_25 Gurl, I wanna go there so bad


He also had a Camp Half-Blood necklace :D


Wait. Your name's Miriam? Are you Jewish? Pls I can't find any Jewish people on here


@zohorie123 ty :) I'll follow back :)