@M_Swimmingpro Hi! I’m also doing NaNoWriMo and I’m doing it cuz I hate myself. Luckily, I am a writer, but I can give you some advice! First off, make sure you love your book idea. Second, I don’t do this but my best friend does. If you get stuck on a part and you know what you want to write but you don’t know how to, put what you want to happen in the scene in parenthesis and then move onto the next one. It’ll help protect from writers block. You can come back and write the scene later! Third, write when you want to. Find a time in the day to write that you always write then. My time is two to three in the afternoon and one to two in the morning, but whatever time works for You. Also, try not to pay attention to word count the whole time. Write a scene, check the wording and from there determine how many more words you have to write. Last but not least, try word sprints, they’re very helpful.
I hope that helps a little!!! Let me know if you need help with any writing stuff!! <3