Hey guys I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet but sadly I’ve unpublished my book ‘You Get Me’ I was so proud of how far I had come so far but I just wasn’t happy with the book anymore. You guys have been so supportive and I really appreciate it I really do. But I was stuck with my book, I had the best plots planned, I had the perfect storyline for the book. But I have so much going on in my life with myself and my family. I’m not in the best position in my life at the moment and I just lost interest in writing my book. I was usually super excited to write chapters of my book I was usually so ecstatic to think about my book. But sadly with everything going on in my life I lost that connection with my book and I feel like I wasn’t putting enough effort into it than what I should of. After I get back on track with myself and after everything with my family gets better I’ll start a new book. Promise. I actually have some ideas floating around, but don’t expect it to be soon. I’m really sorry for taking it down I really am sorry. But I hope you all understand that the book added more pressure for me and it wasn’t healthy for me. In the near future (so pretty soon) I will put up a new book. And I will put the effort into it and I will love it and I won’t give up on it. Thank you all again for the support and I hope you all forgive me for taking the book down. Your all wonderful and I hope you all have a good day/night!
-Mikaela ❤️❤️✨