
Hey are you going to update


Thank you and take your time ,no need to rush


@Bella_period heyy. I completely forgot to post an announcement that I was going on one more week of vacation but its too late now since I got back a few hours ago. I need some time to rest then I'll do my best to update the earliest. 



@WillHerondalessWhore girl ill pray for you. Its always good to talk to a stranger. I'm availble if you want. And I'd I'd would make you comfortable I can share things of my own. Take care <3


@M_the_writter ANNNNNNNNNNND I'm absolutely depressed atm, I'm like physically and mentally in pain, so I figured it would affect my writing, found some grammar mistakes, the book got badly criticized, I still have plot holes in my head so I took it down till I'm free to improve all that.


@M_the_writter I'm at a bad place rn girl, I'm a senior and the year has been dragging on for forever and it's so hard I can't even breathe yk, the ministry of education didn't give us even one single break and we're not done with school yet, and the questions don't come from the material we study and changes happen all the time, it's an unstable system because they decided to change the old education system to a newer one but ended up ruining everything instead, everyone in the world took vacation except 2K21 seniors in our country, I'll be done tho on July 29th THENNN I'll be free for 2 and a half month, Hallelujah.