
          	Thank you c;
          	and its no problem.I love your username ^.^


salaamz nd heyy!!! just wanna say thnnxx for the message...meanz alot to know people out ther do read em...may allah(swt) reward yu..ameen! nd ive sent a belated jumuah message to everyone...all the reward goez to yu gurl for makin this happen by posting tht comment!!! mashallah :) btw...i havv to say again...ur profile is FREAKIN HILARIOUS!! MAKES ME LAUGH LOOADZ....HAHAHHAA :D i lovv it!!! one awwsome profile!!! LOL XD 


this message may be offensive
jazzie i hope you come on soon! sorry we havent spoken in AGES! kinda my fault. ugh anti-social syndrome is not fun! soooo yeah dm me when your on. i feel lonely, i have no followers. wattpads changed so much. i feel like spamming you. my bio is shit.  
          omg so many shit has happened since we last spoke. 


Salaaamz...thnnxx looadz for the comment...i really appreciate it honestlyy...glad to know tht yu lovv em nd take the tym out for em!! Jzkallah looadz gurl :) btw...hahaha XD ur profile is awwsomely hilarious!! To say the truth nd im admittin it yhh...sshhh...the fridge door thing..i did it try out!! Yhh i did!!! LOL :D aaarghh....did i just tht out loud...nooooo!!!