The tantalizing act of divulging and grasping knowlege,
Soothing and sinking,
revisiting when forgotten,
acquiring it for purpose of tabula rasa not.
The habit of finding time to acquire some knowlege,
via reliable tutors,
books both online and offline,
creating time for reading the readable materials,
highly essential.
Cooling down the head,
sitting alone with friends,
like - minds,
under cool breeze,
fresh air,
lovely it is.
Like a truth sayer,
being truthful to oneself as regards to reading,
makes reading more soothing,
for knowlege acquisitions.
The temperature at midnight,
always breezily and tantalizing the brain,
What a proper time to divulge some books for those in such category?
Sitting under mango tree,
balcony of your house,
serene environment,
little chops inclusive,
with cooling temperature,
normal cool breeze,
what a lovely assimilating reading life style?
Cultivating the habit of reading,
makes one full of knowlege,
about what is going on around ones society,
the world,
communities or wherever we found ourselves.
It is a life worthy of emulation,
the one with appropriate time management,
where the reading habit is cultivated,
In a highly cultivating sense of cultivational,
reading life style.
Is it good to be empty headed ( blank verse)?
A. O Ahmed Olayinka ( Mabkem)