
Thank you for voting on my story!! I appreciate it a lot, truly!^^ 


@ NotGoOutside228  aww so cute:-D. You're welcome. 


Omo now I feel bad for not checking Wattpad earlier! 
            This message made my complete and whole day!! 
            First of all, I’m so sincerely touched by your concern, I actually would hug you if I could! I’m actually crying omg, just- thank you!! It’s not embarrassing and you’re not weird, you’re one of the nicest persons I’ve ever talked to and that’s just sweet! Don’t be sorry, I’m so so happy right now! Thank you!!^^ really, it gives me a strong amount of comfort to know I can talk to someone who just remotely cares if I feel down- just... thank you a lot- honestly. 
            Also for reading my book- I was seriously getting even more insecure due to the lack of comments, thank you a lot for that I appreciate every single one and will answer to them now as well! 
            I don’t even know how I can show you how much I thank you.. just... wow, thank you again!! 


@ NotGoOutside228  you're welcome.;-) I really enjoy reading your book. I haven't read that much yet but I will continue to read and vote so you won't stop writing. Thank you for writing stories for us to read. Oh and btw I know you won't take my offer but like you did too I just wanted to say that you can talk to me about your struggles or other problems/feelings if you feel like it. It must be hard to just comfort everyone but never talk about yourself. You won't do it. I know. But at least I tried. Argh I'm so bad at this. I'm so sorry for the weird and long text. I would have texted personally but I don't know how(TT). It's not like someone would read it here but... Omg I'm so embarrising...I'm sorry ^_^  I'll just leave ..have a nice day^^ ★(wow why am I so weird lol)