I’m not saying I’ll be active asf, but… :3
Let’s do a reintroduction…
Slamat pagi/siang/malam, I’m… well, just call me Maro!
This account was previously under the name of Shine, which is the name of my OC.
Let’s see… I’m a lady in my mid-teens. I like Pokemon(not a rabid fan, though). I LOVE cats.
I used to be active on Wattpad in my years as an 11-13 year old. Young, I know. I started illegally using Discord at the age of 12… haha, ignore that. Then, one fateful day as a 13 year-old, I found a community on C.AI. I started being more active on there. However, due to the shutdown of old C.AI, the community has been moving. I’m not connected to the community I used to mingle with anymore, so here I am, solo once more. Not completely solo, though!
“Where can I reach you, real time?”
I’m active and responding on Discord, my username is “macaroonkitty”, without the quotation marks. I meaaan, I have Sky: Children of the Light, but I’m not as active on there.
I think that’s all from me.
The sweet candy princess, MacaroonKitty, is signing off!
(This is Shine here. Don’t believe this stupid cheerful personality. You don’t really know what she does to her OCs. Well… you’d probably do the same, sicko audiences. You all enjoy seeing “fictional” characters in torture and pain.)