But. In my time here I've learned one thing as a writer and that has been that there is always a falling action after the rising. You all have built me up to where I am here on Wattpad and I'm grateful for that and genuinely wish that it could have gone higher. But, because of some individuals who I wish I had the names to, and Wattpad themselves, I am no longer able to stay here. I'm scared and I'm sad. Wattpad has deleted three of my books so far, the last one actually being important to me. I simply cannot risk losing my work such as Worth or my progress as a writer and all the stories I've written that have detailed my journey since I was 13. I started writing here when I was a pre teen because I had just gotten out of a mental hospital and wasn't in the best mindset. I was hurting myself and struggling with addictions. Writing genuinely got me through that. Putting my thoughts into words. Having the support of all of you. I didn't know what I was doing at first but I learned and I grew, and I developed fans and a community who made me feel good about myself. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without the confidence you all gave me. Good bye to those I will never have the pleasure of experiencing again and I hope to see some of you soon when I move all of my books to Patreon. I never wanted to be the author that suddenly writes strictly for profit but I don't have many other options. I love you guys and I'm sorry things have to end that way.