
Hello! I wanted to say thank you for your support in Elijah and Penelope's story, and I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it so much!
          However, with that said, I have to admit that finding your comment on the most recent chapter update on my Harry Potter fanfic, was rude and done in poor taste. This question could've been left as a comment on This is Us, or even on my profile and I would've answered you there. 
          I have already announced on my profile that I will not be continuing Elijah and Penelope's story in a third book as I have lost all muse and inspiration for the story and can't force myself to continue writing it. I know this is very disappointing for you, and for other fans of the duology since I know you all wanted to see Elijah and Penelope as parents, however, I can't bring myself to write something for other people. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you as readers as what I would publish wouldn't be the quality of writing I'd like to put out. 
          Again, I'm very sorry if this news disappoints you, maybe one day in the future I'll find the inspiration for them and pick the story back up again, however as of right now This is Us is the end of their story. 
          Thank you again for all the support, and I'm so glad you've enjoyed their story! :)