
I will not be posting story updates on Sunday just to have a day where I can focus on other things. FtS will resume chapters being posted on 9/20. My editors are super busy this week and I want them to be able to focus on their school and mental health.
          	I'm so grateful for them because they help me to make sure I have the best version of the chapter before it gets uploaded. 
          	Much love to those who have taken their time to read Forgetting the Sun and can't wait to release more content the following week.


I will not be posting story updates on Sunday just to have a day where I can focus on other things. FtS will resume chapters being posted on 9/20. My editors are super busy this week and I want them to be able to focus on their school and mental health.
          I'm so grateful for them because they help me to make sure I have the best version of the chapter before it gets uploaded. 
          Much love to those who have taken their time to read Forgetting the Sun and can't wait to release more content the following week.


Currently going through some of the published works and either making edits or unpublishing them/certain chapters as they were written back in 2015-2016 and are quite... cringe. Either they will make a reappearance with better grammar or they will only exist in the memories of those who read them.


Adulthood is hard. I've had struggles, I've lost my way, lost motivation, and felt like I had lost myself. Things were tough. Looking back at my last message I was so excited to come off hiatus 3 years ago, and I had no idea what was going to hit me. 
          And boy did it hit me hard. 
          I was just a junior in high school and I was so excited for what life had in store for me, but here's what happened since that last message.
          I became a senior in high school and switched jobs, I worked harder than I ever had before. I was a captain for my color guard team and due to unknown health problems and my consistent work schedule, I was no longer apart of that team before the end of my senior year. 
          I lost my grandmother, one of the few people that absolutely meant the world to me and I lost every ounce of motivation before I graduated. But I had pulled it together before and got my diploma. 
          I quit my job before the end of that year and met the love of my life, and I didn't realize how hard things were going to be. We got our first apartment by Christmas of that year. 
          I was diagnosed with an unknown stomach issue, and no one could figure out what it was and what was causing my consistent pain. I still have no answers.
          We eventually  moved to Idaho and got married almost a year later, he's my heart and soul and I don't regret getting married so young and so soon for us being together.
          Honestly, writing this I'm still laughing looking at my last update, "now that I'm free and healthy", oh honey, how I wish I could go back in time and tell you everything I know now.
          Life is hard, so for all of you kids that haven't graduated yet or are soon to graduate, build up a savings so when life hits you have a safety net. 
          But long story short, I'm here, my voice will be heard and I have  stories to share. In fact, I'll be starting one about my life and have advice to give. 
          I've missed all of this, I'm excited to get to be back and rebrand.
          Here's to the journey forward. 
          Now, Mackie Mutiny


I wish I could spend more time writing, continuing, and editing my stories on here! But sadly because the school year is getting closer to ending I have French tests, biology packets, English papers to write (one of which I need to finish tonight because it's due tomorrow, but I'm such a good procrastinator that I can get eight hours of work done in thirty minutes.. I only needed two sources for this paper and I already have twelve.. Sad thing is is that I've been working on this for a week), two debate projects, and work and sports on top of that. 
          So instead of focusing on writing more, what time I do have has been going towards fixing covers and editing the stories I have so far. I'm sorry for the major delay, but as soon as summer hits once more, I will be able to have more time to write and edit and I might be able to set up an update schedule.