
          	Heya Minie Me


Woah, it's been a while. Sorry about my little unannounced haitus. I more or less lost my muse, if that makes any sense. Either way, I have at least two ideas and absolutely no titles/ways to begin! Isn't this just dandy?


If anyone's interested in my plans for Killoys Never Die, I've already decided that it shall be no more than 15 chapters. One for each song/radio broadcast in MCR's album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Look Alive Sunshine and Na Na Na are combined) It won't be until the 6th chapter that the Fab 4 actually die and not til 12 that much of Static's past is revealed. Of course, this is all depending on whether or not I can keep at this story for so long. 
          So for all those interested, the first actual chapter has already been started and will be entiltled "Look Alive Sunshine"


Alright my lovely followers, for my first story, I'm thinking of doing a fanfic on what happens after the Fabulous Killjoys' death in My Chemical Romance's SING music video. Meaning I'd make a resolution as to what happens in the fight against BL/ind for Battery City.
          What are your thoughts on this?