I really don't know how to start this off, so I'm just going to plunge right into what I logged back onto Wattpad after about two weeks to say...*takes deep breath, clears throat*
No, I'm kidding. I will still be writing, but it's not going to be as frequent as before--and if you noticed, I didn't post very frequently before....so yeah...I'm going to be posting like once every six blue moons. And they're most likely not going to be very organized posts (if that makes sense). There's a good chance I'm going to start about a gazillion little tiny snippets of story and never finish them. Ever.
I really would explain all my reasoning for my writing lacuna (I don't know if that's the right word, but it's my word of the day), but that would take a really really really long time and my hands would get cramped, and I wouldn't be able to write in school tomorrow, and my teachers would think I was just being lazy and making excuses, and they wouldn't write recommendation letters for me, and I wouldn't be able to get into my college of choice, and that wouldn't be too good. And since we do want me to get into a good college, bear with my short but fairly accurate 'long and short': I can't write long stories. Heck, I can't write short stories................................I just can't write stories.
Thanks for dealing with this cold mess. God bless. :)