~Part One~
It’s hard to know that you are unwanted. Even harder not to know why. My life is complicated. That’s all I can possibly say. I stand here, alone; no one to hold my hand, no one to call my name, no one who wants to say that they know me, and no one that wants to call me their friend. Some days are harder than others. I watch my life go by, slowly, sad. I am here, but it is almost like I’m not.
My father died when I was just five years old, and I was forced to live with my mother. I love her more than anything in the world, but the real question here is does she love me back? Her hand has been laid on me more than once leaving its fingerprints behind in the way they should be guilty for, but obvisouly arent.
My heart has a large hole. Almost as if someone took a big bite right out of it. I have been betrayed, lost, found, thrown away, picked up, and killed. I go to school every day hoping to find an answer. I never do. I come home hoping to leave. I can’t trust anyone, at least not easily. I have lost so much in my life. My father, my friends, my love, my heart, everything that I have ever owned is gone.
My older brother, Isaac is seven teen and teases me about everything, like every other older brother out there, but he can get violent, almost like my mother. He has hurt my mother too. My younger sister, Emma, is only ten years old. She is terrified of our life style. I can see why, and I don’t blame her. How could I? I feel the same way, but I must be her role model. I mustn’t let her see me cry, although I do it a lot. I try not to let anyone see my true feelings. I fake a smile every day, in hopes that no one will ever realize it.