Dear readers, today, we have truly hit a new milestone. I'm incredibly proud to say that Inkwell-Bound Enid has hit 1,000 reads. Not even a month ago, I had written you folks a post thanking you for 500 reads, and now I cannot believe that I'm sitting here thanking you for 1,000. Writing this story has been an absolute pleasure for me to do, and the fact that people are actualy reading my work, unlike past works I have done, just warms my heart and makes me love what I do even more. I had never expected Inkwell-Bound Enid to get to the quadruple digits. I had expected one or two of my friends to read it.. but here I am, with readers in my own country and international, and all I can say is that I am blessed beyond my own understanding to have you guys coming back every Friday to read what I have written. You guys have become like a little family to me, and, as I said on my last post, I deeply love each and every one of you for taking time out of your schedules to read this. Looking at my reads and seeing "1K" melts my heart, because I remember the time that it said "20" or "40" and my heart skipped a beat. It's amazing to see how much we have grown since then. Yes, I may be getting sentimental over a fanfiction, but with a fanfiction being my debut in writing, you guys are encouraging me to continue, not just with Inkwell-Bound Enid, but for my writing in general. It encourages me to keep making these little characters, and write little stories about them, because these little characters are being loved. You guys show nothing but love for Enid. Some dear friends of mine have even blessed me with art, in which you can see on my site, linked in my profile. I highly recommend you occasionally check on the site, because I'll have a little something something for you guys for sticking with me. Once again, I dearly thank each and every one of you for brightening me up and encouraging me to do what I love, and thank you for giving Inkwell-Bound Enid 1,000 reads!