
@frotorolove I love you; you beautiful piece of..... Of..... Ass. Jk. Face. You beautiful piece of face 


dear maddie,
          hey babe! i hardly write you notes and i always feel bad lmao cause i usually get 2 a day at least XD i slack XD
          and we are NOT EVER TALKING ABOUT CHOIR CLASS! EXPECIALLY TO KENNY!! i...will....not marry, no thts too harsh, i love you too much....hmmmm....i'll tell ur mom all the stuff you say about everyone and we'll both get to make fun of you for daysXDat least pretend its a punishment lmao 
          love you boo! lmao, im so telling rj athat you love him if you tell kenny
          anywho, bye boo :* 
          love, ash


ok, so I had a dream where i was a b.a. secret agent and I had to keep one d safe and all that jazz and it was awesome cause I fell in love with Louis and he was adorable and I fell in love with the guys (in a friend way) and it was sweet though i had to kill people in front of them, but anywho, me and lou had a baby girl named Louise XD it was funny and Liam was the god father and Harry was the step god miother. You were the first ;3 and then u did Niall/.......LOVE YOU