
I think Wattpad glitched and didn't send out the notification (at least for me).
          	Chapter 78 of Heart, Mind and Soul is up! 
          	Happy New Year everyone! 


@Madame_Diamond Yeahhh wattpad’s acting weird with notifications, the last notification I got was on like the 7th


@ Madame_Diamond  OMG, THANKS!


@Madame_Diamond I didn't see the notification so I have to agree with you that wattpad is glitched but thank you for telling us the new chapter to Heart Mind and Soul


I think Wattpad glitched and didn't send out the notification (at least for me).
          Chapter 78 of Heart, Mind and Soul is up! 
          Happy New Year everyone! 


@Madame_Diamond Yeahhh wattpad’s acting weird with notifications, the last notification I got was on like the 7th


@ Madame_Diamond  OMG, THANKS!


@Madame_Diamond I didn't see the notification so I have to agree with you that wattpad is glitched but thank you for telling us the new chapter to Heart Mind and Soul


Do not harass or send hate to the author, I will not say who it is but do please spread awareness that plagiarism is not cool and just support the story I am trying to write. 
          I understand that Ninjago fics end up looking the same because the original plot adds no wiggle room for the writer but that is no excuse to copy and paste my exact words outside of what is said in the show. 
          One main reason I haven't brought this up is because I'm tired and I just want to get by and write my story in peace so it's insulting that my effort is being taken advantage of. I bring it up now to let it be known I'm aware of the situation and let my thoughts be known.
          I will be posting this announcement in the next chapter as well.


An anouncement: It has been brought to my attention by multiple readers that there is an author that has been copying many chapters of my Ninjago fanfic Heart, Mind, and Soul word for word except changing the second person pronouns to first person pronouns among other changes. I've seen it and it is my own writing but heavily altered. 
          I don't mind if someone takes the concepts in my books and creates their own spin on them. I do really mind when someone copies my own words and pass them off as their own. That one hurts because a lot of the emotional scenes involving (Y/n) do come from a real person. Writing this story helps me process my own feelings that I have had to work through and helped me find my voice.
          It would have been fine if it was passed off as an AU book about mine IF it was written in their own words.
          They copied about 70 chapters (about where I left off on my hiatus) so I don't expect them to delete the work as they did continue where I left off and that is a lot of work (which I do respect). 
          But I do have a problem with the dishonesty and using my stupid jokes and dialogue and passing it as your own.
          At least be transparent about rewriting my book to match your preferences.
          I am disappointed in this author and I hope they grow as a writer so they don't use others as a crutch. 
          Please respect the time, energy, and love creators have for their work. I've worked on Heart, Mind, and Soul for years and I love writing and joking around with my readers <3


Big bruh moment bc ik how long it took for HMS to be written and to be rewritten again over the years, and as a reader I still don’t find it “cool” to copying someone else’s work/story but I hope they can redo it and write they’re own version/plot in they’re own passion of writing 


@Madame_Diamond Ah, god, this only makes me wonder if Dreams got copied by anyone, I haven't worked on it in ages because of burnout. I'm really sorry that happened to you, and hope it's resolved without too many issues.
            It's not pleasant to find out, especially when they've not asked for your permission, which only makes it worse. Anyway, good luck. I hope they reach out and apologise, if ever they hear your response and take it into consideration. <3


Just wanted to let you know someone has taken some parts of your book word for word in their own, I was skimming through and realized I've read it in your book ‼️


@Madame_Diamond it's such a shame they copied many of your chapters </3 I'm glad you're still writing though! I've been reading heart, mind and soul ever since it dropped! 


@DollCalledMarie Thank you for telling me <3 Unfortunately I am aware of the situation and they do copy many chapters of Heart, Mind, and Soul. I try to pay it no mind as idk how to go about this issue so I've been focusing more on writing. I might make an announcement about my stance without namedropping the author.


I'm alive.
          Logged in after months with an interest in writing again. I've been focusing on school (also got a job) and a lot has happened since I last logged on.
          I hope everyone has been well <3


Totally late to you returning, but a warm welcome back <3 hope you’ve been well.


@Madame_Diamond Welcome back, hope all is well!!! ^-^