
All of my previous plots are currently up for adoption. If you are interested in rewriting/taking over any of my books then please message me first! If you're interested in basing a book off of one of my stories but not following the path I took while writing, feel free. Just let me know so I can check it out! 


@MaddieFinnigan137  your books are great, and I wrote a book like the Prankster Princess but some of the details changed like with some other characters I made up and Malfoy is in Gryffindor. Except, the girl's name is Princess Prankster, you should check it out.


All of my previous plots are currently up for adoption. If you are interested in rewriting/taking over any of my books then please message me first! If you're interested in basing a book off of one of my stories but not following the path I took while writing, feel free. Just let me know so I can check it out! 


@MaddieFinnigan137  your books are great, and I wrote a book like the Prankster Princess but some of the details changed like with some other characters I made up and Malfoy is in Gryffindor. Except, the girl's name is Princess Prankster, you should check it out.


Hey guys, idk if you guys read these but I'm putting something out anyways. I know, it's been like half a year since I've updated most of my books. But I SWEAR I'm working on an update. I just have a mix of a bad case of writers block, bad writing, and a busy life right now. I can't promise I'll have it done soon, but hopefully I will. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me even without the recent updates! Love you all! 


@madisonleigh372 if I'm completely honest, I haven't even looked at that chapter since I posted this message. I know I promised and I'm sorry for not updating in forever but I've been really busy and have been up until 2am as it is with sports and homework. I will try and work out an update but I have no idea when it'll actually happen. I'm glad to hear you love my book and hope you'll stick with it, even though I'm a terrible updater :)


@MaddieFinnigan13 I know you said you were working on updates, but it has been almost a month since you said that. I love your prankster princess 2 book. Plz continue.


I love your Prankster Princess books!!!! Your writing style is so amazing, and makes me feel like I'm in the story with Gen, and Gred and Forge(The best HP characters ever! Besides Seamus, of course)


Awwww thanks :) it always makes me feel great when people enjoy my stories. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the series!