everyone should have their hearts out for shelby right now, and she should be the absolute first consideration when dealing with anything regarding wilbur at this moment in time. along with all other victims who have yet to come out at the time i’m saying this.
to believe i was near the processes of finishing a fanfic with wilbur being a characters save haven from an abusive relationship is the pinnacle of ironic. as of right now, i have no plans on releasing it for a few reasons. but mainly, i want shelby and other victims to be the first consideration.
keeping in mind, this should prove we don’t know these people we grow so attached to over the internet. characters and people are so closely intertwined when we don’t know the people we care about. this is a grim awakening.
please do not push content creators, especially those close to wilbur who were most likely manipulated (especially from a young age) by wilbur. people will make statements of changes on their own time, right now all we as fans who do not know these people can do, is stand by shelby and other victims; and respect those effected by wilbur times and allow them to process this by themselves since they are the ones who are most effected by this. (other then shelby and the other suspected victims).