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Ok so I'm trying this and here's the characters and some stuff bout dem I guess (Jadyn) LOVES Netflix. If u wake her up and try to talk to her she won't here nothing. YOUTUBE IS LIFE!!! Sometimes just stairs off into space. (Katliyn)"the responsible one" like if u want to get drunk she'll say no so u don't have to deal with that shit but she LOVES ricky dillon and connor franta sooooo yea. (Garrett)he is just i don't fucken know he's like the the high one the one who if u want to get drunk then he's probably all ready drunk. And then there was one(maddie) aka me,but that's not the point i don't know what I am well u tall me what u think I do. Sooooo yea YA! BooooD Hahahahahahahahahahah see its funny cuase it's looks like a dick