
50,000 reads on "Dearest Juliet"??? Like how did you guys even do that??? You all are amazing. To every single one who ever read those silly words of mine, I am eternally grateful for you and what you have done for my Harry and Andie. I love you all very much. Thank you again for all that you have done for me :) 
          	*clears throat*
          	50,000 FREAKING READS YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
          	*collects myself*
          	As always,
          	Never stop reading, love bugs!


Congrats love! I'm so happy for you <3


50,000 reads on "Dearest Juliet"??? Like how did you guys even do that??? You all are amazing. To every single one who ever read those silly words of mine, I am eternally grateful for you and what you have done for my Harry and Andie. I love you all very much. Thank you again for all that you have done for me :) 
          *clears throat*
          50,000 FREAKING READS YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
          *collects myself*
          As always,
          Never stop reading, love bugs!


Congrats love! I'm so happy for you <3


          Alright love bugs, here's the deal, I've not been in the mood for writing or even being on Wattpad as of late. And if I have no motivation to write and publish, what I do publish will probably be crap anyway. 
          I've decided to take a small hiatus.
          That just means no updates for awhile, until I feel as if what I'm writing is good for you guys. 
          Sorry, if you guys have a horribly strong attachment to Tea, but you'll have to wait for a bit. 
          Love you!!
          Maddie xx


Sooo, I'm thinking about putting up a one shot book for my stories. Like Dearest Juliet extra material. You know like how Harry actually met Juliet and cute fluff stuff about Handie? Anybody think that that is a good idea?
          Love some feed back on the matter!
          Maddie xx


Awww, you told your friends because you liked it that much!? That's so sweet and so amazing! Thank you :)