
Hey everyone! Sorry for being so inactive for the past couple of years.  Do you think I should update the Ezio story or update another story that you guys read? Or do you think I should start a new Ezio story or rewrite it? 


I promise I will post something soon I have just been busy and really distracted. I'm sorry my reader but thank you for sticking with me and my long time periods of updates. I know I need to make a schedule but I get writers block super fast. 


For my Assassins creed readers, I was wondering after I finished my Ezio x Reader if you wanted me to do one-shots with Assassins creed. I would need recommendations from people of what assassins they would want me to and the scenario. I will post the first chapter soon with more details of submissions for the one-shots. 


I know I have been really inactive but I just have severe writer's block if you want to send me a medsage for what to write in my stories than please do. Also, check out, Cassius, with the dark shadow you may find you like it and it's been a story I have been writing for a long time. I also have another one I have been writing that I might publish named Death from the start. If you want me to post the first chapter of the story on here once I am done writing it please let me know. I am sorry for the inconvenience and feel free to message me. 


Hey, lovey people, I am back and band season is over so I will try to update stores as best as I can right now but I am still busy with school. So yeah this is your notification that I will be back in business soon again and continue writing. Thanks for sticking with me all this like and liking my writings, I always welcome feedback for spelling mistakes and comments about my stories. Well, this is goodbye for now.
          -Madisepticeye ❤ 


Hey, my wattpad family thank you for continuing to support me and reading my works but I am struggling at lit right bow because I just finished very important testing yesterday and it takes up most of the school day but I always end up falling asleep at home. I will try to update this weekend because it needs to be updated because I can see everyone that reads it and I am very grateful for that.


Hello my wattpad family I am here to announce that yes I am sacrificing a lot right now and that I need to pay more attention to you guys but my point it I keep forgetting or getting side track to update.  *lays my head on table* I'm sorry guys it's just taking awhile to sort things out. 


Sorry, it will take me a while to post a new chapter and continue stories because I getting packed my homework because of finals coming up in the next weeks. So I am sorry for not posting and I hope you co to use to wait for the stories get updated. 


Aw that sucks. I hate when finals come up