So 'don't mess with a badass' has finally been updated after about 3 months! And I know that it's always the same excuse I use for not posting anything but I'm in year 10 at school now (in the US this would be my freshman year of high school) but the schooling system works differently in the U.K. And once year 10 is over, I'll only have one year of school left before college and then university if I choose, so exams are coming up- and that means... HOMEWORK! Lots and lots of homework. Again, I know that it's the same excuse as always, but it's really difficult to think of good inspiration when you're exhausted from history revision, and learning drama scripts and completing my art compositions and portfolios so I can get a good grade. But the point is, I will try my damnedest to update more regularly and not neglect my readers for this long a period again.
Thanks, Madison xxx