
You call me out upon the waters
          	The great unknown where feet may fail
          	And there I find You in the mystery
          	In oceans deep
          	My faith will stand
          	And I will call upon Your name
          	And keep my eyes above the waves
          	When oceans rise
          	My soul will rest in Your embrace
          	For I am Yours and You are mine
          	- Oceans by Hillside United


You call me out upon the waters
          The great unknown where feet may fail
          And there I find You in the mystery
          In oceans deep
          My faith will stand
          And I will call upon Your name
          And keep my eyes above the waves
          When oceans rise
          My soul will rest in Your embrace
          For I am Yours and You are mine
          - Oceans by Hillside United


True history has been made today.  As of today, June 26th, 2015 same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states of America.  This is a major milestone America. I never thought this would happen so soon.  
          My uncles were married December 13, 2012, very soon after it was legal in California. This day will be forever engraved in their minds for sure. For their marriage and everyone else's to be recognized in all 50 states was more like a dream than reality. Well now it's reality.  
          It doesn't matter if you're gay, white, black, from a different planet, or purple and pink polka dotted. Love will always win! I support every one of your's sexuality and want you to know that.
           #LoveWins #LoveAlwaysWins