
@katissaracastic sorry I'm still in that hole 


Stories will be continuing soon! I've been into writing again. I've also got a new story. I can't think of which title I like, Letters to you or letters to him. If you care just tell me which one you like. I'm working on things and yeah thank you for sticking with me. 


@Madison_FrantaR5 yeah i like letters to you also


Guys i'm back. Sorry for basically falling off the earth. The first semester of junior year kicked my ass, but hey it's a new year! I am going to try and start writing. As we all know Connor came out. I have not decided if I will keep my name or not. I may change it but for now it's staying. And we also know O2L ended. I am still working on my mental health problems but I am getting better. Thank you for staying c: Madison