So if you haven't noticed, I've been absent. For a long time. Yes, I still am here and alive, obviously I still like chapters of stories and stuff. But I don't update. Not like I used to. And the reason why is because I've lost inspiration for all of my books. All of them. And my life has been super complicated. I just started high school this past week, and I've been having family and "friend" issues as well. I really do love this app, and I love writing as well, but I'm not sure if I like what I wrote in the past. I'm not into the same stuff anymore. So I think I'm going to just discontinue most of my books, and maybe even unpublish them. I'm not sure. But I know that I do want to get back to writing on here. So I'll be back with better stories and bigger and better things. I love you all! And I promise, I'm going to do better for you all.