
Hey! When you shift you gotta be more in the moment and not trying to achieve something because you’re minds stuck on wanting an outcome to happen if you just do it for “practice” each time and don’t focus on the outcome but what’s happening in the moment it might be easier just word from experiences good luck!!! 


hey im just checking in with you to see how you are since the book hasn’t been updated and we haven’t had any announcements : )
          just remember taking breaks are ok and understandable. i took one for almost 2 months and now im so close to shifting.
          but im not really here just to ask how shifting is, so how are you?
          are you doing alright? 
          i know shifting can nave negative impacts on people so im just making sure 
          im here to talk if you ever need it lovely


@jvpiterblve Thank you !! <3


that’s great! good look with your exams, i’m sure they’ll go great!


omg hey !
            Yeah I‘m kinda taking a longer break since it hasn’t been going that great with shifting, and now i‘m very stressed out bc of school so  I decided it’s best to take a break
            I‘m fine actually I‘m doing pretty good (as good as it gets with 10000 exams lmao) !
            thank u so so much for asking it means more than u can imagine :)
            I really appreciate it thank you, same goes for you love


Hi, i am svyatoslaw, can you write me about shifting please? I want to shift in Hogwarts. Write me about methods


@user399735627868 i think either they are at hogwarts right now or they just are busy with school, but i can help a bit. just learned about this stuff like a week or two ago but still, i know a fair bit.