
Hey guys, Kickchick1 here! It's been quite a while, and some changes have been made. I apologize for it all, and the username will be changed soon - this is just a warning to you all. :) If you don't like the changes, I apologize completely. Have a good one!


          i saw you posted this on one of my friends pg!!!
          Do you like waffles? (Yeah we like waffles!) Do you like pancakes? (yeah we like pancakes!) Do you like French Toast? (Yeah we like French Toast!) Do do do do... Can't wait to get a mouthful! WAFFLES!!!
          i LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!!
          me and my other friends are allll obsessed with it!!!!!!
          hahahah okok just had to say that :D


I'm terribly sorry for the delay of uploads for my stories. I've been a bit busy, and haven't found the time to write. However, I have been nit picking at Spirit Wolf.  The next chapter has slowly been worked on, and should be up in.... maybe three weeks, if I'm still busy like I am now. If not, it'll be up by a week, at least. Bounty Wolf is coming to a close, but there will be more (sequel). There's maybe two more chapters left before the end of this one. Amara will be worked on as well, but a bit slowly, since it's new.. My Lost Soul will probably be taken down, because it's not my style. Say Uncle will probably take a much longer time to get updated.
          -Maggie ^_^


Hey there. Sorry I haven't been posting. Bounty Wolf's newest chapter should be up this week.
          Spirit Wolf is the same status as Bounty Wolf.
          Say Uncle should take a bit longer.
          My Lost Soul? No idea. I'm having great difficulty on that one.
          Summer postings will be slow. Busy summers, and I won't be home much. So I'll post when I can.


Maggie hi - we are meg and bella and we want to know if you will read our story. it is called 'Lost relatives, forbidden love, enemies to be, best friends and family all in one house. DON'T TRY IT.' 
          it is about this girl named Saffron who moves in with her best friend who lives in this huge house. this other family lives there too and Jade (Who is part of the other family) is hated my Saffron strait away. 
          Saffron falls for Joseph the first time she lays eyes on him but Jade and Him used to date and jade is still convinced that they are. 
          lodes more great stuff happens and the only person saffron knows - other than her dad and brother jasper - is her vest friend Vicky. 
          anyway could you please read it and tell us what you think. even if you think it is rubish tell us what you dont like and how to improve. 
          thank you ~ 
          ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) 
          (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Meg & Bella.
          ☆┌─┐ ─┐☆ 
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          ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●●PeAcE●● 