
this message may be offensive
          	Natemare *huffs* you included me into everything don't you? 
          	Mare I only include you in somethings because you don't want to do anything besides give me hell so I got used to you being around.
          	Natemare: of course you did so you named me Natemare Because you don't know my name?
          	No I named you Natemare because your look like my favorite comfort streamer and his name is Nathan but he goes by Nate.
          	Natemare: only you could do this shit well I'm going now so you can just chill.
          	*Sighs* you'll be back tonight you always visit me.
          	Natemare: you do know that this is going to where others can see they're going to think that you're crazy. *Chuckles* which you are so it's pretty much a true fact.
          	Okay Mare too far.
          	Natemare: now I'm going to far with this? So I'm the bad guy here?
          	What I'm so confused aren't you supposed to be the bad guy in the begin with? 
          	Natemare: I don't know what I am but I enjoy being the one breaking you down.
          	That's what a bad guy does Mare.
          	Natemare: then so be it I'm the bad guy *laughs evilly* I'm going to have so much fun with this.. I'm leaving now.
          	Oh shit this is going to everyone of my followers.
          	Natemare: didn't I just get through telling you this? 
          	Yeah but the conversation looks legit.
          	Natemare: because it is legit Nicci for fuck sakes.
          	Fuck Mare stop cursing.
          	Natemare: says you.
          	Shut up!


this message may be offensive
          Natemare *huffs* you included me into everything don't you? 
          Mare I only include you in somethings because you don't want to do anything besides give me hell so I got used to you being around.
          Natemare: of course you did so you named me Natemare Because you don't know my name?
          No I named you Natemare because your look like my favorite comfort streamer and his name is Nathan but he goes by Nate.
          Natemare: only you could do this shit well I'm going now so you can just chill.
          *Sighs* you'll be back tonight you always visit me.
          Natemare: you do know that this is going to where others can see they're going to think that you're crazy. *Chuckles* which you are so it's pretty much a true fact.
          Okay Mare too far.
          Natemare: now I'm going to far with this? So I'm the bad guy here?
          What I'm so confused aren't you supposed to be the bad guy in the begin with? 
          Natemare: I don't know what I am but I enjoy being the one breaking you down.
          That's what a bad guy does Mare.
          Natemare: then so be it I'm the bad guy *laughs evilly* I'm going to have so much fun with this.. I'm leaving now.
          Oh shit this is going to everyone of my followers.
          Natemare: didn't I just get through telling you this? 
          Yeah but the conversation looks legit.
          Natemare: because it is legit Nicci for fuck sakes.
          Fuck Mare stop cursing.
          Natemare: says you.
          Shut up!


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