There is a constant anxiety we, the lgbtqia youth live in. A constant fear of non acceptance. A constant fear of prosecution.
Statistics show that about 31% to 50% of the transgender youth attempt suicide before their 20s. About 5 to 10% of the LGBT youth, have attempted suicide, A rate 1.5-3 times higher than the heterosexual youth.
And you know what makes this worst? The fear of knowing that we might be sent to therapy, Therapies made to 'cure' this 'disease' of ours.
Conversion therapies.
Therapies where people are raped, molested, isolated, electrocuted and mentally and physically tortured. These 'therapists' do so to 'remedy' the said person's sexual orientation.
(To 'turn' them straight. Because that's the only acceptable sexuality, Right?)
You see, Conversion "therapies" and "camps" are nothing but holocasts 2.0. They are murder areas.
And these therapists? Everyone who supports them? They are nothing but murderers. Because even if a person's heart is beating after going through such an experience, They are pretty much dead inside. Traumatised and just... cold. Dead.
No one comes out of there alive.
No one comes out of there "cured", Because there is nothing to cure, there was no "disease" or "problem" to being with.
And you what's more upsetting about this? That we, as citizens of this country, are just letting all these murders walk free.
Loving someone- Is that such a big crime that a person has to pay it's price with their life?
Conversion therapies are a threat to humanity.
They need to stop. They need to be stopped.
There is no such thing as conversion. It's just the begotten minds of a few humans stuffed with the wrong idea of purity.
This needs to stop. This needs to stop now.
Sign this petition and help us raise our voice against such conversion camps.Because this is no place for murders to live among us.