Here are 5 tips and tricks to help you conquer writer's block
1. Set a timer and write for 10 minutes straight (it can be 5 if you want.) choose a topic, then write about that topic without removing your pen/hands from the paper/keyboard. Whatever you write will most likely inspire you to write something else or even help you work off of that idea and expand it. Some topics you can choose from are a weird weather pattern, discovering a magical world, a character with a sickness, etc...
2. Write a postcard, put a fake address on it and write a message from a fake character to another fake character. Once you are done, put it in a public place for someone to find, you can keep it if you want, but I love the idea of letting someone else enjoy your work. You can do this with a story as well.
3. Pretend that your book has already been published. Pretend that you are a world-renowned author and you are being interviewed on the book you published. The interviewer is asking questions like "Whats the title," "What's the plot" "What do you love about the character," etc... Put yourself on a timer and answer questions (you can get someone to ask you) on the book "you already wrote" this takes the pressure off having to create a whole new idea.
4. Listen to music. I don't know about you, but music is really inspiring for me. The tune of it sets the mood of the story and the lyrics help me come up with ideas for dialogue and a storyline. Everyone's different but if you are trying to write a romance, look up a love song. If you're trying to write a suspenseful story, find a song for it.
5. This is probably the most important of all; Don't stop writing! If you are already writing a story, In my opinion, writer's block is easy to overcome by just continuing on with your story. Don't give up and come back later, keep on writing and edit it later.
So, those are my tips to help with writer's block! Sorry that they were so long but I hope they helped!
Happy writing!