
Hi friends,
          	I am currently taking a break from writing, especially Star Wars. I have ideas of stuff I want to do but I can’t bring myself to write about Kylo/Ben and Rey because it hurts too much. When I can finally cope with the events of TROS I will write again. But for now, it’s honestly hard for me to even think about Ben, let alone characterize him in my stories. I’m sorry that I’ve left you guys hanging on Between It All, and I’ll be back when I’m able. Hang in there team 


Are you going to continue writing? I was hoping for some more content from you :)


I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond! I’m working on it. My mental health with the pandemic has been *gestures vaguely downward* and TRoS killed my motivation for Reylo but I do have some ideas! I just don’t know how long it will take me to actually do something about it though. Thank you for your encouragement!! :)


I've only just come to discover this website a week ago and your story, Between it all, was especially great to read, very good. I cannot wait to read the content that comes from you and I really hope you pick up writing this story again.  I'm so excited to hear what you have next for these two. You can do it!


Aw, thank you so much! That was so sweet of you to say...  Thank you so much for the encouragement :)


Hi friends,
          I am currently taking a break from writing, especially Star Wars. I have ideas of stuff I want to do but I can’t bring myself to write about Kylo/Ben and Rey because it hurts too much. When I can finally cope with the events of TROS I will write again. But for now, it’s honestly hard for me to even think about Ben, let alone characterize him in my stories. I’m sorry that I’ve left you guys hanging on Between It All, and I’ll be back when I’m able. Hang in there team 


          Hi, we would like to invite you to check out our 2020 fan fiction awards:
          Open categories: Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC, Anime, Disney, Science Fiction (Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Stargate + more), Fantasy (Narnia, Rangers Apprentice, How To Train Your Dragon, The School Of Good And Evil, The Last Airbender, Pirates Of The Caribbean + more) & Crossover. 


Hi guys! I’m still alive, just letting ya’ know. Senior year is kicking me in the butt. So I know I haven’t like, been active at all—mostly because of a mix of writer’s block and not being able to have time to write anyhow—but I recently might have finally figured out my final storyline for my upcoming fantasy novel “Winds of Exile”. Hopefully now things will get better—and if not, I know I’ll have more time to write in college. My high school is extremely rigorous, and as someone with not up-to-par mental health, it’s been hard. But have hope, followers! I have not forgotten you. 


Hi guys! Ok so I know that I haven't really done anything, like, really anything, this summer regarding "Between It All". I'm a rising senior in high school, so y'all know what that means. Instead of Wattpad, I've been filling my summer with college essays, short answers, applications, summer reading assignments for my AP classes, studying for the SAT, you name it. If it involves college or school, I've done it. So if I seem like I've been completely absent, I'm sorry--It's because I have been. Once I actually get applications in and get everything to finally settle down (which should be around mid-year/Christmas), I'll be able to write again. Plus I've been brainstorming for my other story, "Exile", which is in progress, but still unpublished. But fear not--I haven't forgotten about "Between It All". Love you guys!


Plus, Junior year left me kinda brain-dead in the creative aspect, so I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going with Between It All. I have the general idea, but it isn't concrete enough to actually do anything with yet.


Hello everybody! I just unpublished "Exile" so that I can write and edit it without having to worry about keeping up on publishing updates. For those of you who are enjoying it, I'm sorry! You'll unfortunately have to wait until I get my act together and finish it. Junior year is kicking my butt.