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Hi, I'm really sorry. I know I've been absent for a long time, but the truth of why isn't very pretty. My grandpa has been in and out of the hospital. My grandma's memory loss has gotten so bad that she forgot my birthday this year. All of my friends are saying that I should go to different colleges for completely different majors and minors when I'm not even starting college. I'm in love with someone who loves me back wants to marry me and treats me very well, but because he's a highly functioning autistic the world is trying to rip me away from him despite the fact that I make him happy. And what do we throw on top of it all? Three day mandatory fire evacuation complete with helicopters flying overhead, Ash falling from the sky and burn marks up to my backyard. I'm sorry for being absent for so long and you know what? After all the shit that's gone down I just want to get back to reading books laughing at Memes and telling stories!