
Hey guys!! One of the secret projects I'm working on if coming out pretty good and should be released soon. I'll keep you updated 


Hey guys!! I would like to add on to the post I was making earlier. I have been having writer's block because I am working on two special projects (for you guys :P) and it has been taking up most of my time lately. The projects should be finished soon, so then I'll have more time to work on 'Love, from Mother'!! I am so eager to share the projects with you guys, but I don't want to spoil it!! Well, that's it for now!! See ya!!


Hey! I'm sorry for sending this randomly but i've just written my first story and I'd love some feedback! It's a teen fiction! If you have any stories feel free to ask me to do the same! Thank you so much! xxx nina



@bluepumpkinspice It seems really interesting. I'm going to hop right into reading it!! ;)