Heyyy love bugs,
Have I been M.I.A?
Do I apologize for that?
Was it an accident?
Will I explain?
Truth is I got exhausted, but I also had personal matters to tend too. Different matters from my chronic illness. It’s true that I have to pay attention to my chronic illness, but as you know I have college, and at times college can get really demanding, but don’t worry because my illness will have my full attention later this year.
It’s been 5 months, and that was unintentional. I was only going to take a break for a few weeks, and then I lost the draft of chapter 9 & 10, so I gave up. Then after 3 months of battling to stay a float with all the jabs life was throwing my way, I began writing, but then I had to take a brief pause to go to the hospital (I’m okay now!)
Now, I’m back, and I’ve written and got both chapters edited! I will publish those as soon as possible. Thank you for bearing with me; it does mean a lot. I apologize if you felt abandoned, that was never my intention. You will get the end of this preview.
Enjoy the last two chapters of the Silent Hearts preview, but the beginning of Justin and Mac’s story!
Double post of both chapters coming soon! XOXO