Anyone else getting PMs from random people for reading apps? The first one asked me to reveiw a story so I said sure to be nice. They sent a few chapters and the story was ok, it was about werewolves which isn't really interesting to me. I prefer Sci-Fi. Then they tried to get me to download an app called AnyStories and I checked the reviews. I saw a lot saying that you use up all of your coins before you can even finish a story, so this app seems like a Wattpad knockoff cashgrab. They even sent me a code to redeem extra coins but at this point I'm really not interested, and I feel like I can't tell them because I don't want to be mean. And now I have received a second PM about another app called W e b n o v e l (idk why but this is exactly the spacing they used) They complimented my writing, which is contradictory because I do not have good writing lol. Anyway I'm just going to ignore messages like these, and I encourage you to do the same. That is, if any of you get these. (Not just me?)

Aha so it isn't just me! I really do wonder what these people's agendas are. They're honestly just being annoying.