Hey guys!
So, I have been thinking. Which could only mean one or two things. One, that I am literally swimming in thoughts, ideas, and inspiration for a good story. Two, I have a lot of real life stress that I am literally needing to find that "ah-hah!" Moment. Theres alot of things going on in my life right now, a very trying time that I won't go to far into discussing.. but, it has made me realize that being and Author, or well, and aspiring one. Is truly my dose of medicine to get through this difficult time. Without it, or the freedom to let my emotions develope into a alternative universe of fictional characters, living life, and learning their way.. I am unsure how I woud survve this... gigantic speed bump in the road, or, my so-called life, in better terms. With all that said, for all my followers, please know I am currently working on a few new pieces. Trying to indulge in each of thier details.. and truly, I am uncertain of which will become available first. But, I do know whichever comes out first, it will be later on, possibly a few months from now. Just please don't give up on me.. because honestly, I could use the support, or just a positive "Hey there! How's it going?" Not only does it keep my drive continuing. Its just nice to know I am not alone. Thanks guys, heres too new chapters.. reality and in the fictional lands of creatig new books.. let's hope they each have a bright new start.
Thanks again,