
Thanks for all the votes and kind comments on The Painted Altar. I think you mentioned that maybe I'm not so interested line comments any more. And, yes, to a certain extent this is true given that three years have now passed since I wrote the novel. If however at any point in the future a publisher asks me to do a re-edit of the novel (a big, big if, I know) then the comments/feedback of engaged, intelligent readers such as yourself will be a goldmine. Did some farmers deliberately thin the rations of the Land Girls so their own family had more, as you hypothesised? Very probably. There could ne an interesting sentence/paragraph there in any eventual re-edit. 
          Once again, thanks for your support. Have a great summer.


Hope you enjoy H. Hills. It's the child I worry about, my one feeble attempt to try and say something intelligent. Yikes.


@mhunyadi well, I admire your responses to comments - that will be a useful skill when it comes to dealing with publishers :)


@Magnoliarama Sorry to hear work is crazy. I really need to take mine more seriously, or I'll be out in the street. You know what, I might look around for a publisher. Part of coming on WP was just to see what folks think of my work. It's eye opening, but also enjoyable.


@mhunyadi Hi Boris, I really liked Skiathos - it was very accomplished. Is sci-fi too unfashionable at the moment for you to look at magazines or other publishing options? Work is crazy at the moment so I have your next book on my list for when I have time to read it properly :)


Thank you for continuing to follow Tien Lyn’s misadventures.


Thank you, and take your time to unleash  your story’s full potential. @Magnoliarama


@DomiSotto hey, no worries! Work is going to be unexpectedly very busy for the next 3 months, and I’ve put She Woke Up to one side while I decide how to address the feedback it received, but I’ll still be logging in to see how Tien Lyn is going. Hope she kicks some butt! :)