@MagnumBodyBoarder Hahahahaha literally though tennis gets intense when you get into it. "NO DON'T LIE TO ME THAT WAS RIGHT ON THE LINE!" It's crazy. XD No we sacrifice the one who hit it out, that is how things work. XD
Meh, I'm still a hot mess no matter which way you try to spin it, aha. Oh my gosh DB is just way too long for me I used to watch it and then I was like, nope, nope, can't.
East coast yo, and the snow's nice and all (I have a five day weekend because of it) But now school's literally going till June 2somethingith. I would kill to be somewhere tropical right now though.
Oohhh yea, but we're not that far into it. We're only at the REALLY REALLY ROUGH DRAFT phase. XD
Hahah fight writing is harder to write because it needs to get paced out and things like that but it's still have to have the right amount of fetails.
OTAKUUUU. Hahahah when I say crazy, it's usually not hysterical crazy. It's usually bouts of randomness combined with an IDGAF attitude that throws people off especially when the short Asian child is cracking inappropriate jokes every five seconds and or threatening to deman someone annoying. Basically I'm like extremely hyper most of the time and I do whatever comes to mind because- why not.