

Hi sweetie. I wish I would have done things differently. Or sooner. This is my fault, not yours.
          I have been awful to you. I think it is because I was jealous and wanted what you have. But it's also because I'm jealous of your family. They have something I will never have. I will never have that because there is only one. It's you. I want a daughter just like you and I can't. There will never be another you. Please take care of you, if you only loved yourself half as much as everyone else does, you would never have hurt yourself.
          I'm at your home, but I must leave tonight. Your mother just got back and I want to let your parents have time to themselves. Mom feels terrible but I think she was trying to help you while not shattering your family. I understand that. 
          So I have cleaned your room and if you look closely you will find a few surprises. I also put a check in your poo bear bank. It was for your mothers representation but it seems that it won't be needed. Put it in your bank account or buy yourself a car. It's yours. 
          I will visit as soon as you return home, and you and I will spend some time together.
          Sweety? Let me know if these two words go together. It's just something I'm concidering.
          Danny & Hopi
          What do you think? I'll wait until we can speak about it. 
          Call me when you get your phone back and read this.
          All my love


@HopiSunn I think those two words sound wonderful together!
            Have you spoken to him in private about it? He did say some nice things about you. 
            When things level out here, we should all get together. PIG ROAST! 
            We have a bobcat to dig the hole and scoop it out and hell, we even have the pig! Have you ever roasted a pig under ground? It’s amazing!
            Call me when you land so I know you are safe. 


Hi my little Magpie.
          Couldn't sleep, thinking about how much I love and miss you. 
          Hopefully when you read this, you will be feeling much better. Mom with be back and we can be a family again. Your cousin Danny your mother say they love you and someone left you a package.
          The church sent you flowers and candy I hope you got them and your school brought you the biggest card I've ever seen. Everyone loves you baby. most of all.