till now i cant believe it. cameron is gone.
ive been crying my heart out for the past few hours. cameron has been ( and always will ) a huge inspiration for me. i discovered many things thru him. i know lots of u r probably struggling to cope with the news... but remember, our king wld want us to b happy and positive. to bring joy to the world and live life to the fullest. to change and inspire others.
i really wish i cld deny this reality. i wish i cld just wake up and have this all b a nightmare...
my heart goes out to his family friends coworkers and all those who know and love him. my heart will forever b broken. there will always b a piece of it missing.
rest in peace our king, cameron boyce
u were too good for this world, god has called u home
fly high angel ❤️❤️❤️❤️
i love u cameron
we all do