If a Muslim Woman in a Burqa is a shame to the layout of the modern society and a sign of terrorism just because she's devoting herself to God, What is a Nun?
People Need To Stop thier Double Standards. #RaiseYourVoice for the minorities even though you're not one of them, Its your responsibility.
If we Muslims, for instance, see a Christian, A Hindu, An Atheist, A Jew, Or a person of any religious minority being stopped from their way of living and dressing, We'd condemn that.
And By Muslims, I surely do not mean the ISIS; After all, Just a Bunch of People who want to spread violence by dressing up as Muslims, and Claiming to be one, Can't brainwash everyone to think that all of the Muslims around the globe are Extremists.
Islam is about Love, About Co existence.
We Muslims are taught that Religion can't be enforced and doesn't has to be, So we are taught to let everyone live in their own way.
Break the boundaries that divide the human race.
We are all one, All special and worthy of respect.
Be it a Muslim Women clad in Burqa, A Christian Nun clad in black robes, Or even an Atheist naked.
Let everyone live like they want to.
Lots of Love to all my Global Friends,