For the few who follow this account still , I am so grateful. This particular note is to spread a word that I am open for collaborations for writing any novels in any genres...maybe even up for AU's on Mahabharata. Those who are willing to collab for a short story , please feel free to dm me at @nakshatra012m ! Since there is a change of username , I am the founder of this community. Thanks and Love , Akshayaa.

@Mahabharat_world if you check this out..I have few ideas. Option 1-Collaboration on PandavNandinis.. they're also less known like their mothers. Option 2 - Life of Arjun-Subhadra/other wives during 13 long years of Seperation/Post War Subhadra's life with Arjuna who failed to trust him.

Posted something after ages. Also , an OS is updated. Please do leave your votes and comments ! Thanks and Love , Founder. https://www.wattpad.com/story/299583477

sparkle012m here. ( My message board ditched with my announcements not getting posted :( Died silent , today ? Is everyone doing good ? Enjoying with family or studies ? :p Love , Akshayaa.

Warm greetings to all. A gentle remainder , today is the last day for submitting entries of the graphic contest and tomorrow for the writing contest. I would request all of you to do it at the earliest possible. Also , graphic entries and write ups that have already been submitted. I would request you to comment down as ' done ' specifying whether it was graphic or the writing contest. The admins positions are now taken. A shout - out to @aditi902 , @melody-of-dewdrop and @TLH2009. Have a great week ahead ! Thanks and Love , Suthanu.

My saturday nights are solely been to music and fun. What about yours ? We can have a roleplay for the next hour if anyone is online. Topic maybe just a other good day in Indraprastha with a great trade exports so all are quite happy or maybe just playing around over whose wedding will be next ( among kids ) :p Also , if anyone like to strike a general conversation with me. My DM's are open for the next hour at @sparkle012m. Can be just anything. Love , Suthanu.

@-rxseology Aww , you will get one sooner or perhaps you are destined to make an opportunity yourself once you grow up :) Ikr.

Will try my best to refrain from using this board for personal reasons. But for the mood I am in , I do need something that would keep me sane. Posting an update call here since I have ran out of announcements. Posted a TS on Abhimanyu and Uttara.The first part is up. Not close to even a bit on what I planned. Yet , views and comments will mean a lot ! Regards , Suthanu. https://www.wattpad.com/story/263658967

Hello everyone. This announcement is specifically for the members of the community and participants of COB ( graphic ). Kindly let us know if we have missed out on names in the community hiring book. Also , members get a follow back from the account. In case , there is a miss feel free to let us know. To the participants , the deadline of graphic contest is nearing. Hoping to get all the entries soon. Have a great day ahead. Regards , Suthanu - Founder.

@TLH2009 Accepted.

Hello all ! Out with the first writing contest. Please do drop in , if interested. Even members who aren't participating , a word about it in your message board will be highly appreciated.Hello all ! https://www.wattpad.com/story/282638516-pristine-writing-contests