
@hm1234 =)


@InnerBeautyShines In what world is twenty old? It's only five years older than you.. Ok, let me rephrase that, your only five years younger..  Shoo am za7tik Farrah!? You know we're related to khala Sajidah who is the king of all cakes, she'll bake me a cake ;)
          I checked my mail, he needed to print something out, no birthday greeting what so ever :P.. So for that reason, I'm not sharing my cake with Hassan :P
          3adi, this essay writing thing runs in the family i guess ;)
          Oh, sa7, thanks for the wish :-)


Happy tomorrow birthday Mashoosh!! :DD
          Wow, 20 huh, YOUR SOO OLD!! Any who (I wouldn't say that) Have a great day, surrounded by great people *cough* like me *cough*
          And get cake!!!! The shope next to Upper Canada Mall has great cakes, you know just in case ;)
          AND my brother says check your email.. I don't think it's your bday card though, he can't even remember his own birthday so no hard feelings :P
          Ok, 5alas now, illa I'll type a whole essay :P