
Writing something new... :)


Hii...I’ve really like your Vsoo stories and I’m obsessed with all of them especially the brotherhood of the heirs and I hope you continue writing more Vsoo stories....☺️


@Mahogany4 don't worry. Your story are amazing( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥


@Pikachujichuu i don't know if it's worth your time though. I feel like I wrote it in a rush and I feel the story lacks in so many ways. Haha. Anyway, if you do read it, I hope you still enjoy it even just a little. ;)


@Mahogany4 otw to download asianfanfics ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡


Hi! I’ve been your reader for the past five years and I just want you to know that I really love your Minsul Fanfics. I alreadly lost count of how many time I have re-read it. Thank you for creating those wonderful stories! God bless you always! Please keep safe and continue writing! 


@DREAm_falla Thank you Dear for reading... Still happy to know that there are readers who really liked the stories. I have more stories in in case you haven't been there. ;)


Hi Ate Mel... I thought of messaging you after reading your wall and seeinv your reply dated last 2016 and i am hoping that you smh see some feedback for you. I finished re-reading all your stories twice, some thrice. 
          I could say i was a MinSul shipper since To The Beautiful you was aired on ABS-CBN and became a die-hard fan of them as fmvs and fanfictions escalated or like catalyzed my enthusiasm towards them. And you are one particular person who inspired me to write fictions and just write in general... i couldnt fangirl with anyone but i felt like i was while reading your stories before... I also remember having an AFF account because of you and signing in everyday to check if there was an update from you. But I guess things had to happen and I might understand that...
          I just want to say thank you. It's been 5 years since i've known you as the Mahogany4, the great author whose stories i would proudly share with my classmates. Now, i suffer with multiple mental illnesses and going back, re-reading your precious works has saved me a lot of times from the bouts of suicide. So i just want to thank you...your works save lives. Your works are still read to this day and you're remembered. I hope that wherever you are, you still have the heart of a writer and a mind ever so creative and beautiful.


Hi Dear, i have only read your message now. I am so sorry for this late reply. :( are you ok now? I hope things are better. :) i don't know how my stories have helped you. But i am blessed to read that it did. I will include you in my prayer. :) i really will. i am trying to start write again in asianfanfics but i feel all rusty. Thank you for supporting and reading the stories. You don't know how much your message means to me. :')