@Killer_Rose16 nah just a favorite ;]
@hellokittygirly yeah well they are just looking out for your best interests. Trust me, I wish mine cared more, but hey, we work with what we've got.
@Rayvin oh I like that one! Good sir! Fantastic! ;]
@MainEvent Thanks so much for fanning, commenting, voting and adding my story to your library! I really didn't think a guy would like this kinda story; what, with all the shape-shifter and vampire stuff >.< but thanks again! It means a lot!!! :D
@Killer_Rose16 nah just a favorite ;]
@hellokittygirly yeah well they are just looking out for your best interests. Trust me, I wish mine cared more, but hey, we work with what we've got.
@Rayvin oh I like that one! Good sir! Fantastic! ;]
@GerardwayLuv its all good babe, I have a semi-life; meaning I have friends but I don't go out ALL the time x]
@hellokittygirly yeah perks of driving means sometimes you can do what ever you want :]
@KatKatKatch hahaha alright x]