@MaishaAfrin05 Hi dear I couldn't reply to your comment as I have to unpublish that suggestion part so I am replying to you here hope you won't mind.......
OK as you asked why I am taking a leap so the leap is very important, it is not a very big leap, it will just build up the upcoming plot n story structure, You will see the wedding, Zain and Zoya will not be forgiven yet You will see their efforts and grovelling period, I am not skipping anything, everything will go as it is going, the leap will just build up the story pace and structure it is very much needed once you will read You will know it by Yourself.......I am not skipping anything rest assured, I have planned this story from a Year now and I am writing each and everything after much thinking and considerations so You won't be disappointed with the plot, and Zain and Zoya will be forgiven in the very ending of the story (according to my planning uptill now) they have a long way to go, I will write the forgiveness part only when you all will be contented that Yes now they should be forgiven, I will take all of my readers suggestions first before their forgiveness so rest assured Nothing will be skipped and You will enjoy the story, I will try my best ❤️❤️
Thank you for reading this, Take care❤️