Ok relationship problems.....
I followed this fan account on Instagram (not f1 fandom) and I kinda like them.
And I think they may like me back.
So about a month ago, I mentioned that I like F1.
He remembered.
He brought it up recently and it melted my heart.
He also lives in England, and that's where I plan on moving when I graduate high school.
We jokingly agreed that he would pick me up from the airport.
And he confirmed today in all seriousness that he would.
Am i crazy?
Is this just me being super desperate?
Or is this rly happening?
Do I actually have a crush on the other side of the world who likes me back and will come meet me at the airport when I move there?
It seems like a fairytale romance.
He remembered all kinds of things about me.
He followed me.
He wished me happy birthday when I posted my bday stuff on my story
He agreed to pick me up from the airport
He remembered my hopes and dreams in extreme detail. (Like to every last thing. He remembered where I wanted to study, when I would be there what team I wanted to work for and everything.)
Pls tell me what u think.
I'm rly confused and kinda in love...