
Wishing a joyous New Year to all you wonderful people!!
          	May this new chapter in your life bring you joy. I hope the upcoming months are filled with an abundance of health, prosperity, opportunities, adventures, personal growth, achievements, and healing. I wish for your dreams to come true, and when they do, may they multiply in ways you can't even imagine right now. Remember that even in your moments of solitude and struggle, I’m here for you, always cheering you on; I wish nothing but the very best for you.
          	Cheers to 2025!


Wishing a joyous New Year to all you wonderful people!!
          May this new chapter in your life bring you joy. I hope the upcoming months are filled with an abundance of health, prosperity, opportunities, adventures, personal growth, achievements, and healing. I wish for your dreams to come true, and when they do, may they multiply in ways you can't even imagine right now. Remember that even in your moments of solitude and struggle, I’m here for you, always cheering you on; I wish nothing but the very best for you.
          Cheers to 2025!


Merry Christmas everyone!! May your day be filled with love and happiness ❤️
          Happy Holidays to everyone who doesn’t celebrate! May your day be wonderful 
          I hope you eat lots of yummy food and enjoy time with your friends and family!


Unfortunately, I have a less than thrilling update to share;  After much contemplation, I have decided to cancel my week-long book update for this week.
          I’m struggling to write in the way I desire due to my current mental state and the impact of winter depression.  
          It truly saddens me to make this decision since I had been looking forward to this for quite some time.  Maybe I’ll do it another time.
          I appreciate all the love, support, and understanding during this challenging period for me ❤️ I have one final chapter that I completed before receiving the heartbreaking news, and I’ve been holding onto it so I can at least share something with you this week.
          I hope to return shortly; at the moment, my sorrow has a firm grip on me.


I'm sorry for the lack of/delayed updates last week; I found out my mentor-painting teacher, who I had been with for nearly 9 years, unexpectedly passed away, and I have been filled with an overwhelming amount of grief and had no motivation to write or do anything really. This marks the 5th personal loss I’ve had to deal with in the last year and a half. She was the whole reason why I didn’t give up painting, and I will miss her dearly. Rest in peace. Cinnamon, all my love to her family; she was too young. The month of December is already a hard month for me; Christmas was my late mother’s favorite holiday, and my dad’s death anniversary is the 31st, so this just added to the already existing sadness.
          I was actually in the middle of reworking chapter 9 when I received the news. I’m tempted to revert it back to the OG version until I can find it in me to finish reworking it, so if you have read that version, I’m sorry; it probably didn’t make full sense.
          I was also slightly fixing ch 7, but it should be okay to leave it as is; however, if you all think that it needs to be fixed ASAP, let me know, and I’ll bump it up on the list of things to do.
          I’m hoping to keep my plans to do an update every day the week of Christmas for those who may be alone. It was supposed to be a surprise announcement at the end of the week; right now I’m unsure if I’m going to have it in me to do the back-to-back chapters like I originally planned, but I do know that I will be online for anyone who needs someone to talk to during the impending holiday season.
          Please give me some time to get my wits together.
          Until then, be kind to yourself and others. I hope to see you soon. <3


Wishing a joyful Thanksgiving to all who observe it, and to those who don't—whether for personal reasons like myself or because you reside in a place that doesn't recognize this holiday—Happy Thursday! I sincerely hope your day is delightful and that you enjoy the additional chapter nonetheless ^.^ 
          Keep your spirits high  ♥ I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the next chapter.


I sincerely apologize for not providing any updates; I fell ill on Friday, initially believing it was just a 24-hour bug, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I'm still in the process of recovering from this cold. Regrettably, this situation is making it difficult to complete chapter 10, which is currently half-finished. I'm hoping to have it posted by the end of the week, so fingers crossed.
          Very sorry for the delay!


I was really wanting to do a double update, however I’m unsure if I’ll be able to post chapter 9 of TCH today :( I woke up not feeling super good and haven’t had the motivation to finish editing and writing the end of the chapter. 
          Please forgive me, I will get it up asap!
          I did upload chapter 4 of WAD9 since I finish that yesterday so I’m not leaving you completely empty handed.